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Looking to set up patternplate as a dev project?

Give the CLI Getting Started Guide a go.

Get started with @patternplate/app

Time invest: 5 Minutes ––– 👩‍🎓 Level: Beginner

What to expect

patternplate bridges the gaps between engineering and design. While there is a command line interface, it also provides a macOS application to download and view patternplate projects.

We will …

  • … install @patternplate/app on your Mac

  • … use @patternplate/app to clone the Getting Started project

  • … start the Getting Started project via the app

@patternplate/app is a Technical Preview and might have bugs / unimplemented features. We are working hard to get the first stable version ready for delivery 🤞

During Alpha we build only macOS bundles, support for other platforms is planned.

You'll need

  • 🍎 A Mac with approximately 1GB of free disk space

1. Install @patternplate/app

  • Download @patternplate/app by clicking on this link

  • Click on Save File when asked if you want to download patternplate-1.0.0-alpha.dmg

  • Wait for your download to complete, then locate patternplate-1.0.0-alpha.dmg in your Downloads folder

  • Double click patternplate-1.0.0-alpha.dmg and wait for the image verification to complete

  • In the window that opens, drag the patternplate icon onto the Applications folder like this:

  • Locate patternplate in Applications and double-click on it

  • When asked if you want to open patternplate click Open

  • If everything worked the app greets you like this:

Congratulations! 🎉 You succesfully installed @patternplate/app! Let's put it to use

2. Clone your first project

Copy the following URL

Paste it into the input field below the greeting and click on Add

The view changes to resemble the following screenshot:

Notice the spinning part in the card for patternplate/getting-started? This indicates the project is downloading and installing dependencies.

Wait for it to complete, then proceed:

3. Start the project

Double-click on the card for patternplate/getting-started. A new tab on the top left of the application window opens and the view changes to this:

That's it for this guide – you just cloned and started your very first patternplate project. 👍

Take aways

  • There is @patternplate/app, a GUI application for easier setup and viewing of patternplate projects
  • You can clone patternplate projects by providing a GIT url or open them from your file system

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