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Build your first component in patternplate

⏲ Time invest: 10 Minutes ––– 👩‍🎓 Level: Beginner

What to expect

In patternplate production-grade components form the backbone of your design system. This means there will be coding and cooperation between design and engineering involved while working in patternplate.

Don't worry, we will walk you through the entire process.

We will â€Ļ

  • â€Ļ learn how to add a component
  • â€Ļ style a component with CSS
  • â€Ļ program simple behaviour via JavaScript

You'll need

Create a new pattern

Let's improve the component library and add a Button component. Open a new terminal window or tab, then procceed with the steps below.

  1. Make sure you have patternplate running on localhost:1337

  2. Create a new directory button in lib.

    # In a new terminal window
    mkdir lib/button
  3. Open a text editor and add a package.json to lib/button.

    # create "package.json"
    touch lib/button/package.json

    Copy the code below into lib/button/package.json

      "name": "button",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "patternplate": {
        "displayName": "Button"
  4. Create a demo.js file at lib/button. The interface will update automatically and add Button to the components list.

    # create "demo.js"
    touch lib/button/demo.js

    Copy the code below into lib/button/demo.js.

    module.exports = {
      default: function() {
        // Nothing implemented yet

  5. Click on the Button item to display its (still blank) demo canvas. Replace the contents of lib/button/demo.js with the code below:

    module.exports = {
      html: () => '<button class="my-button">My first button</button>',
      default: () => {
        // Nothing implemented yet
    module.exports = {
    html: () => '<button class="my-button">My first button</button>',
    default: () => {
    // Nothing implemented yet

    ℹī¸ You might think: HTML in JavaScript. What is this, sorcery? Don't worry, you can place your HTML in distinct files (demo.html) just fine, too. The same goes for your CSS (demo.css). See Demos for details.

    Saving the file signals the Button demo to reload automatically and display the HTML you just added.

  6. Let's throw some CSS into the mix. Replace the contents of lib/button/demo.js with the code below:

    module.exports = {
      html: () => '<button class="my-button">My first button</button>',
      css: () => `
       .my-button {
         padding: 10px 15px;
         font-size: 20px; 
         background: none; 
         color: cornflowerblue; 
         border: 1px solid currentColor;
      default: () => {
        // Nothing implemented yet
    module.exports = {
    html: () => '<button class="my-button">My first button</button>',
    css: () => `
    .my-button {
    padding: 10px 15px;
    font-size: 20px;
    background: none;
    color: cornflowerblue;
    border: 1px solid currentColor;
    default: () => {
    // Nothing implemented yet

    Saving the changes will update your demo to look like this:

  7. We'll wrap up this tutorial by adding some user interaction to the button. Let's count up when clicking on Button. Replace the contents of lib/button/demo.js with the code below:

module.exports = {
  html: () => '<button class="my-button">My first button</button>',
  css: () => `
   .my-button {
     padding: 10px 15px;
     font-size: 20px; 
     background: none; 
     color: cornflowerblue; 
     border: 1px solid currentColor;
  default: () => {
    const el = document.querySelector("button"); 

    let count = 0;
    el.addEventListener("click", () => {
      el.textContent = "Clicked " + (++count) + " times."
module.exports = {
html: () => '<button class="my-button">My first button</button>',
css: () => `
.my-button {
padding: 10px 15px;
font-size: 20px;
background: none;
color: cornflowerblue;
border: 1px solid currentColor;
default: () => {
const el = document.querySelector("button");
let count = 0;
el.addEventListener("click", () => {
el.textContent = "Clicked " + (++count) + " times."

Click the button to see our program in action

Take aways

  • Demos are the entry to components

  • demo.js and pattern.json or package.json are required to display a component

  • demo.js provides HTML, CSS and JavaScript via the html, css and default exports

    ℹī¸ Traditional multi file components work, too. See Demos for details.

  • Changes on source files cause demos to reload automatically

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