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Reference: Documentation

👩‍🎓 Level: Intermediate

patternplate supports Markdown for global as well as component documentation.

Markdown in patternplate supports all features of GitHub flavored markdown.

Additionally you can configure the order and display of documentation via frontmatter blocks.

Global documentation

Documentation that is independent of components is picked according to the docs glob pattern in patternplate.config.js. The default is ["docs/**/*.md", ""].

This means in the tree below, docs/ and docs/design/ is picked up.

tree .
└── docs
    ├── design
    │   └──

2 directories, 4 files

By default the first # headline in the document is the name of the doc item in patternplate's sidebar. If no # headline is found the filename is used instead.

Local documentation

Documentation that relates to a single pattern is placed next to the pattern sources.

The supported file names are, and

Those files are rendered below the demo of their pattern.


Documentation in patternplate entries support frontmatter blocks. Supported properties are: order and options.displayName.

  • displayName: String, Name of the doc item in the sidebar
  • options.order: Integer, position in the documentation list. Lower numbers are listed first
  • options.query: String, search query. The file is considered a virtual folder. Matching items will be displayed as children.
  • String, absolute url. The file is considered an external link.
displayName: Read this first
  order: 0 # first in sidebar

Syntax highlighting

Markdown codeblocks with an explicit language are hightlighted automatically.

E.g. the following markdown snippet

console.log("Hello world");

renders to the following code block with syntax highlighting.

console.log("Hello world");

Markdown in patternplate can highlight the following languages:

  • HTML: html, xml
  • CSS: css
  • JavaScript: js, jsx
  • TypeScript: ts, tsx
  • JSON: json
  • Markdown: md
  • Bash: bash
  • Diff: diff, patch