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Reference: Demos

👩‍🎓 Level: Expert

Demo files provide the necessary entry points for patternplate to identify your components correctly.

A component demo is a JavaScript file, that provides

  • a function on module.exports.default
  • meta data in a package.json or pattern.json file

Single file demos

Demo files are assumend to be executable JavaScript according to your browser targets, as patternplate does not perform additional transpilation on them.

The smallest valid noop demo file is:

module.exports.default = () => {};

In practice you'll provide a function that creates components according to your framework of choice. E.g. with React:

module.exports.default = () => React.createElement("h1", {children: ["Hello world"]});

Alternatively you can provide HTML and CSS via exports directly. By convention patternplate will use html and css exports before considering any output produced by default.

module.exports = {
  default: () => {},
  html: () => `<h1 class="hello-world">Hello World</h1>`,
  css: () => `.hello-world { font-family: sans-serif; color: cornflowerblue; }`

Multi file demos

You can also place HTML and CSS in demo.html and demo.css, so the following is equivalent to the single file demo above:

❯ tree lib
└── hello-world
    ├── demo.css # .hello-world { font-family: sans-serif; color: cornflowerblue; }
    ├── demo.html # <h1 class="hello-world">Hello World</h1>
    ├── demo.js # module.exports = {default: () => {}};
    └── pattern.json # {name: "hello-world", version: "1.0.0"}

Meta data

Meta data about your component can be provided in JSON format. package.json and pattern.json files are read according to the following rules:

  1. Use package.json with patternplate object, in absence:
  2. Use pattern.json, in absence
  3. Trace the original source via sourcemaps, repeat from 1, in absence:
  4. The provided demo entry is ignored

Supported fields


  • name string
  • version string
  • description string?
  • tags: string[]?
  • patternplate.displayName: string?
  "name": "button",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "tags": ["Interaction", "Atom"],
  "patternplate": {
    "displayName": "Button"


  • name string
  • version string
  • description string?
  • tags: string[]?
  • patternplate.displayName: string?
  "name": "button",
  "displayName": "Button",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "tags": ["Interaction", "Atom"]