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Reference: CLI

👩‍🎓 Level: Intermediate

The patternplate command line interface is the default way of interacting with patternplate functionality.

yarn global add @patternplate/cli

# Alternative without global installation
npx patternplate [command]


patternplate start # Start a patternplate server
✔ Started on "http://localhost:1337"

patternplate build --base="/" # Build static interface
✔ Built to "docs/patterns" 


patternplate help

  Documentation and development interface for component libraries

  patternplate [command=start] [options]

    start        - Start a patternplate instance in cwd
    build        - Create a static interface build
    create       - Create a new patternplate project
    help         - Show this help

  Start options
    --cwd        - Working directory to search patternplate.config.js in
    --port       - Port to start patternplate server on, defaults to 1337, $PORT

  Build options
    --base       - [REQUIRED] Base path to assume for static hosting, e.g. "patternplate" in
    --cwd        - Working directory to search patternplate.config.js in
    --out        - Directory to save the build in, defaults to "docs"

  Create options
    --cwd        - Working directory to operate in
    --force      - Overwrite existing directories
    --out        - Directory to create the new project in
    --template   - Template to use, defaults to @patternplate/create-default
    --no-git     - Skip git init
    --no-install - Skip installation of npm packages

    ✔ Started on http://localhost:1337

    patternplate --port 1338
    ✔ Started on http://localhost:1338

    patterplate build --base="/"
    ✔ Built to ./docs