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Divide and Conquer with Virtual Folders

⏲ Time invest: 5 Minutes ––– πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ“ Level: Intermediate

What to expect

As your component library grows you'll find it increasingly difficult to find all the sweet components you built.

Learn how the search and tagging system in patternplate helps you to get a grip on the size and complexity of your component library.

We will …

  • … prepare some meta data
  • … take first steps with patternplate search
  • … create folders in patternplate's sidebar

You'll need

Before you start

Prepare some search data

patternplate uses meta data attached to your patterns and docs to inform its search query and the virtual folder system.

Let's add some tags to the items in Getting Started.

  1. Make sure you have patternplate running on localhost:1337

  2. Add tags to Modify the leading frontmatter block to look like this:

    displayName: "my-patternplate"
      - hello
      - welcome
  3. Open ./lib/hello-world/package.json and attach some tags:

      "name": "hello-world",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "tags": ["hello", "world", "typography"],
      "patternplate": {
        "displayName": "Hello World"
  4. Now edit and save ./lib/button/package.json to look like this:

      "name": "button",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "tags": ["hello", "world", "interaction"],
      "patternplate": {
        "displayName": "Button"

We won't see a lot of changes in patternplate for our meta data changes, let's use it for searching in the next section instead.

Now we prepared some data, let's have a look at patternplate search. Hang in there for now, we'll explain the relation between search and virtual folders in a second.

  1. Access the search panel by clicking on the πŸ”Ž icon

    A search input appears above the content panel.

  2. Enter an unstructured query, e.g. "button"

    This should give you a result list like below.

    Look closely: In this case the search query matched all items - my-patternplate, Button and Hello-World.

    This happens because fuzzy search tries to match as many items as possible, searching through all meta data and contents.

    Let's try to be more structured about our search.

  1. Delete our previous search by clicking on the x the search field

  2. Enter a structured search query like this: tags=world. Don't worry if you don't know what that means just yet.

    This will search for all items that have the tag world attached. This results in a list like this:

    This time around we matched only Button and Hello-World. That happens because they have both the tag world attached, while the my-patternplate item does not.

    Visit the search reference for detailed information about search queries.

Create a virtual folder

Let's take this a step further and use our tags=world query to create a virtual folder. Virtual folders are doc files with special configuration in them.

patternplate searches for documenation in /, and all .md files in /docs.

So we'll add a new file there:

  1. Create docs/

    mkdir docs
    touch docs/
  2. Paste the following code into docs/ and save it.

      query: tags=world
    # My Virtual Folder

    This will create a new folder called My Virtual Folder in the sidebar:

  3. Click on the folder to reveal its contents:

    The folder will hold a list of all patterns matching the search we entered as options.query. Using this functionality you can define any number of different virtual folders.

    There are a number of things to note here:

  • patterns and docs can be listen in a folder, but folders can not
  • content *.md files with defined options.query are not displayed in the interface
  • patterns and docs can be listed in multiple different virtual folders

Take aways

  • Meta data can be added to documentation in frontmatter blocks
  • Tags, flags, etc. can be used to search through both components and docs
  • There is fuzzy and structured search in patternplate
  • Structured search queries can be used to create Virtual Folders

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