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👩‍🎓 Level: Beginner

patternplate provides a powerful search engine on top of your component library.

Access the search panel by clicking on the 🔎 icon in the bottom right corner of the interface.

Search may also be invoked by the shortcut Control + Option + Space.

By default patternplate will perform a fuzzy search over all fields and content that accounts for minor typos.

E.g. buton will yield a result list that contains the Button pattern.

Structured search complements fuzzy search with more fine grained control.

You can enter in a format of [key]=[value], e.g. version=1.0.0 has the key version and a value 1.0.0.


with a flag of value

flag queries are useful to find groups of patterns that do / do not satisfy stability requirements.

 Value Order Description
alpha 0 Default. First draft
beta 1 Reviews conducted
rc 2 API consent reached
stable 3 API has stabilized
deprecated 0  Flagged for removal. Do not use.

When using a quantitive operator (>, >=, <, <=) the order is used to determine what larger/smaller than means according to

 alpha (0) = deprecated (0) < alpha (1) < beta (1) < rc (2) < stable (3)



with a type of value

is queries are useful to limit other queries to either pattern or doc items.

 Value Description
pattern Software componens matched via config.entry
doc Documenation items matched via



has property of value

has queries find items that have defined qualities attached to them.

 Value Description
docs Documentation attched via a colocated md file
flag Stability flag specified via manifest JSON
version Semantic version specified via manifest JSON
description Short description provided via manifest JSON
displayName Display name for patternplate configured via manifest JSON
tags A non-empty list of tags is attached via manifest JSON



has a tag of value

tags queries match items if they have a tag of value attached.



has a version satisfying value

version queries find items that match given semver ranges



is located at path

Supports the special match operator: *= for glob matching


Logical operators

Search queries can be filtered AND, expanded OR and grouped () with logical operators.
